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2019-02-22 Views:1383
不論空中、陸地還是海洋中,霍尼韋爾慣性測量單元(IMU)都是全球領(lǐng)先的?;裟犴f爾HGuide IMU廣泛應(yīng)用在無人駕駛汽車、無人機、水下航行器或機器人上。
Shanghai Headquarters
Address: No. 188, Siping Road, Shanghai
Phone: +86-21-65072675
Email: by03@bingyindz.com
Address: Room 602, Fengli Center, 54 Kaiyuan Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone: +86-17721436834
Email: sales@bingyindz.com
North America Offic
Canada Office: Unit113, 618 E Kent Ave S, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5X 0B1
US Office: 2219 Rimland Dr Suite 301, Bellingham, WA, 98226 Unite States
Phone: (001)604-771-3598
Email: alvin@bingyindz.com
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